Sollten mit diesem Inhalt und der Veröffentlichung von alten Magazinen und deren Inhalten Ihre Rechte verletzt werden, bitte ich, diese anzugeben, und die rechteverletzenden Themen werden umgehend von der Seite genommen. Mehr Informationen zu den einzelnen Erlaubnissen findet man hier.
Glaub es liegt weniger daran. Ob 8 oder 16 oder 32 Sprites ist eher eine Design-Entscheidung.
Wieviel Elektronik verbraet man fuer Sprites und wieviel fuer was anderes.
Ich schaetze, man hatte durchaus berechtigt das Gefuehl, so Sprites taugen ja nur fuer einen ziemlich begrenzten Use-Case, i.e. nur fuer ein kleines Genre an Spielen (2D-Kram), und man dachte, dass ein Heimcomputer flexibel sein sollte, also machte man Dinge, die andere Computer und Konsolen nicht hatten (Blitter, etc), und dachte (relativ gut eingeschatzt), dass man restliche Sprites gut auch in Software (Bitplanes) und mit dem Blitter machen konnte.
Diese anderen Features taugten auch gut fuer "freiere" Grafiken und 3D, und womoeglich dachte man nicht unbegruendet, dass sich der ganze 2D-Kram bald totlaufen wuerde, wurde ja alles schon -zig Mal gemacht. Dass die Bluetezeit des Genres erst kommen wuerde (aber dann auch nicht mal 10 Jahre halten wuerde), konnte man nicht vorhersehen.
Edgar Allens Po schrieb am 27.01.2024, 13:10: Also diese Hardware-Sprites sind ja echt mal fast für die Katz, oder? Nur 4 Farben und so winzig, dass man schon 4 von 8 Hardwaresprites nur für das Spielersprite braucht.
Da kann man doch davon ausgehen, dass auch ein Amiga die meisten Sprites per Software machen muss, oder?
Tja, nu, die Technik ist von 1985 und kostet schon damals als Amiga 1000 nur 1285 $. Ein paar Grenzen muss man da akzeptieren.
Ja, bei Actionspielen mit vielen Gegnern auf dem Bildschirm kann man am Amiga nicht alle Sprites per Hardware-Sprites umsetzen. Kommentar wurde am 27.01.2024, 19:46 von DaBBa editiert.
Sehr interessant, schaut schon mal gut aus! Doch dann lese ich diesen Beitrag weiter unten...
DaBBa schrieb am 28.12.2022, 19:23: Jo, bei Turrican ist die Spielerfigur aus vier Hardware-Sprites zusammengebaut. Davon je zwei für die Breite und je zwei für eine höhere Farbtiefe.
Also diese Hardware-Sprites sind ja echt mal fast für die Katz, oder? Nur 4 Farben und so winzig, dass man schon 4 von 8 Hardwaresprites nur für das Spielersprite braucht.
Da kann man doch davon ausgehen, dass auch ein Amiga die meisten Sprites per Software machen muss, oder? Kommentar wurde am 27.01.2024, 13:10 von Edgar Allens Po editiert.
Nur vier Farben? Wow, das ist wenig. Ich kann mir gerade kaum vorstellen, wie man damit ein Raumschiff pixeln soll, dass auch ein bisschen edel aussehen soll und nicht plump. Für ein Bullet wäre es genug.
Jetzt wundert mich auch das Turrican-Sprite nicht mehr, denn es wirkt farblich abgerundet.
Danke dir, das mit dem Debug ist mir aber gerade zu hoch. Kommentar wurde am 28.12.2022, 20:30 von Edgar Allens Po editiert.
Edgar Allens Po schrieb am 28.12.2022, 19:27: Dann sind 16 Pixel aber nicht viel, wenn Turrican zwei für die Breite braucht. Erstaunlich! EDIT: Und noch einmal zwei für die Farbtiefe? Wieviel Farben hat es denn? Also so krass bunt wirkt es ja nicht mit seinen Blautönen.
Der belegt ja auch etwas Platz auf dem Screen. Der Amiga hat 320 Pixel in der Breite, d. h. 16 Pixel sind nur 1/20 davon. Ein Hardware-Sprite kann bis zu vier Farben haben, man kann aber zwei Sprites mischen und so bis zu 16 Farben bekommen. Der Bren McGuire-Sprite hat tatsächlich 16 verschiedene Farben und 32 Pixel breite. Richard Aplin hat bei Final Fight auf die Nutzung von Hardware-Sprites verzichtet.
Wer es mal ausprobieren möchte, wie ein Amiga ohne Hardware-Sprites läuft, der kann unter WinUAE Shift+F12 drücken und in der dann öffnenden Debug-Konsole mit der Eingabe... Ms 00 ...die Hardware-Sprites unsichtbar machen. Mit der Eingabe... g der Konsole gehts weiter. Bei einigen Spielen, wie Final Fight, ändert sich dadurch gar nichts. Bei Turrican und Lionheart bspw. wird die Hauptfigur unsichtbar. In der Workbench und vielen Maus-Spielen wird der Mauszeiger unsichtbar, der bietet sich nämlich für Hardware-Sprites an, falls er vorhanden ist. Mit Ms FF kann man die Hardware-Sprites übrigens wieder alle aktivieren. Mit Hex-Zahlen von 01 bis FE kann man verschiedene Kombinationen von Sprites (de)aktivieren. Kommentar wurde am 02.01.2023, 20:12 von DaBBa editiert.
Dann sind 16 Pixel aber nicht viel, wenn Turrican zwei für die Breite braucht. Erstaunlich!
EDIT: Und noch einmal zwei für die Farbtiefe? Wieviel Farben hat es denn? Also so krass bunt wirkt es ja nicht mit seinen Blautönen. Kommentar wurde am 28.12.2022, 19:32 von Edgar Allens Po editiert.
Jo, bei Turrican ist die Spielerfigur aus vier Hardware-Sprites zusammengebaut. Davon je zwei für die Breite und je zwei für eine höhere Farbtiefe. Kommentar wurde am 28.12.2022, 20:06 von DaBBa editiert.
Laut Internet hat der Amiga acht Hardware-Sprites, die beim OCS maximal 16 Pixel breit, aber unendlich hoch sein können, außerdem farbbeschränkt sind. D. h. mehr oder breitere oder buntere Sprites müssen per Software umgesetzt werden. Dicke Jungs brauchen da vermutlich mehr Leistung als kleine. Kommentar wurde am 28.12.2022, 13:28 von DaBBa editiert.
Ist es eigentlich auf dem Amiga schwieriger, 3 große Sprites schnell animiert zu zeigen? Weil es ja auch Spiele gibt, die 80 kleine Sprites super darstellen.
Eine der fünf Amiga-Ports, die Richard Aplin programmiert hat (neben Line of Fire, den beiden Double Dragons und Godfather). In der Amiga-Version von Final Fight (und auch von Line Of Fire) hat er in der Startup-Sequence eine Satire auf Cracktros sowie einen ewig langen Gruß- und Tagebuch-Text versteckt....
Right, that (to quote my Line Of Fire Startup-Sequence) is that over with!
*********************************************************************** * You May Not Read Further If You Are Under 14 or Have A Datel Action * * Replay Mk.I (The Mk.II one's OK cos the software's much better) * ***********************************************************************
Yes kids, It's *PROGRAMMER'S EGO* time!
Other games I've written: (the list gets longer!) Double Dragon I (Amiga,ST,Amstrad CPC) Double Dragon II (Amiga,ST,Amstrad) (Aargh! Endless beat-em-ups!) Shinobi (Amstrad) Block Racer (Amiga,ST) ESWAT (Spectrum - but don't tell anyone!) Line Of Fire (Amiga,ST) Rotox (Amiga,ST) Fly Spy (Amstrad) The Islands of Dr.Destructo (64) U.C.M. (64) (barf)
Right, that's the programography over with, now the customary rubbish that I usually put in the startup-sequence to amuse you lot before you get down to the 5-minute job of cracking the game (see also Line of Fire!)
Incidentally, I gave up protecting games seriously after I spent a week doing the protection for Shinobi and Double Dragon II on the Amiga, which was (and I say so myself), pretty bloody good.. even if Weetabix did eventually crack DD2 (by the way, I never did find out how long it took you!)
The way I look at it, the better the protection, the greater the challenge, and although it would be fun if protection could adapt itself to what the cracker is doing (like a game of chess), as it is the whole game is a bit one-sided. I mean, whatever I do for protection, once I've done it, it's cast in stone, and as it is impossible to cover every one of the bizarre things you lot will try, eventually a game will get cracked, so why bother in the first place? I don't agree with piracy, but as in-game protection is just providing you lot with some amusement over a boring weekend, I don't bother much any more..
I daresay some people still think that it's possible to do 'pirate-proof' protection, but personally, after DD2 (which really did have some bloody neat ideas in it), I don't!
Another problem is that when I do a really neat disk format, that, say, gives you 6.5k a track and is well hard to copy, the *$#?**!ing duplicators can't duplicate it! Kind of defeats the object really!
Any road up, on this game I'm reasonably pleased with the interrupt-driven disk loader; everyone else did it ages ago - so did I, but that sort of loading is not really suitable for most types of games: you need dynamic memory-allocation and multi-tasking uncrunch routines for a start, and then you run into all sorts of problems with ram fragmentation, and eventually you end up spending more time sorting out the problems caused by the system than it solves, but I thought I might as well use it in Final Fight, just so that Ronald Van Thingy at the Sales Curve would shut up! (Sorry Ronald!)
Oh yeah.. the real-time x/y-flipping and decompressing sprite-routine is alright too.. but a tad slow. Ah well, the Line of Fire real-time scaling sprite routine was slightly neat as well, and look how slow that game was!
The main problem with this game is the amount of time & memory used up by all the massive sprites.. I ripped all the graphics out of the arcade board's roms, and I really didn't want to have to shrink them or anything, so we end up with what you see here.. bloody huge sprites!
Tum te tum.. what next..? I know! It's..
The arcade machine's specs:
(The standard CapCom board- as used on everything from Ghouls'n'Ghosts to Strider and Dynasty Wars)
68000 running at 8Mhz Z80 driving the sound chip (standard Yamaha 6-voice FM chip) and sample- playback hardware 1.5Mb of program and data roms (aargh!) 2Mb of sprite & character graphic roms (double aargh!) - there's space on the board for 16Mb! 256k of sample/music rom Triple playfield screen, with a rather interesting method of displaying data (see later) Loads of 128x128 hardware sprites with hardware X & Y flipping (bog standard) 64k of video ram 64k of processor ram
The screen displays are quite interesting.. the 3 overlayed playfields are made up differently.. but they are all character-mapped, not bitmapped. Naturally they all have independant hardware scroll! There's also no practical limit on the number of characters you can access at any one time with a screen - all the character map screens use 16-bit character numbers!
Playfield 1: The back parallax layer consists of 32x32 character blocks, with each block having a selectable pallette (of 16 colours) from a set of 32 different pallettes.. (that's up to 512 colours on this screen alone!) Playfield 2: The main playing area.. Uses 16x16 character blocks, each with a 16 colour pallette selected from another bank of 32! Playfield 3: The top layer for scores, text,etc. Uses 8x8 characters, 16 colours, from yet another bank of 16 pallettes.
All characters can be individually X and Y flipped, and the playfield 2 characters can be set to appear in front of or behind (or both) any sprites!
Each sprite is up to 128x128 pixels, and is character mapped too! Only 16 colours in any one sprite, but the sprite pallette is selected from yet another set of 32 different ones! Naturally, the sprite can be flipped in either direction by just setting a bit! I don't know how many sprites you get, but I suspect 64!
Right, so that give you a grand total of 1280 colours on screen, not counting the sprites, without even using raster-splits! Don't you just want to BURN your amiga?
Can you believe what you could do with this board? EVERYTHING is done in hardware, and you've got an 8Mhz 68000 just do change a few registers with! It doesn't even have to drive the sound chip.. the Z80 does that!
(This board is considered to be old technology and is not really used by Capcom much any more!!)
...Can I have one for Christmas, Santa?
If you think that's good.. you should have seen the hardware on Line Of Fire that I converted before! Two 12Mhz 68000s and a Z80 all co-processing!
Oh yeah, if any other companies want to hire me to extract graphics and data from arcade boards they're converting, get in touch..
Ah well, back to the real(?) world..
(Short bit about me, 'cos *I* wrote this game and *I* feel like it!) :-]
I'm 21, tall, and with boundless enthusiasm (and far less talent) for music, playing pool, drinking alcohol, and going to Raves. .. oh yeah.. I'm half Australian too (not that that helps!)
Written in my slum at our Bristol office, on a meagre: A500 with 2.5mb, A590, Cygnus ED, Genim2 and DPaint3 (ArgAsm's bugged to hell!) A500 with 1mb (to download to) Poxy 1040ST in the corner covered in junk Comfy chair (noooooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!) Loud stereo & millions of albums Video Walkman (+ all of BlackAdder II/III/IV & the Young Ones) GameBoy (with Tetris superglued into it) U.S. Robotics HST 9600 baud modem (for rapping with the artists in Whitby!) Final Fight board (connected to crappy joystick and Commodore monitor!) Some custom rom-reading hardware Filter coffee machine, Microwave and endless copies of The Independant. ..That's it! No PDS, no SNASM, no nothing! C'est la vie!
For light relief at my flat, I've wasted huge amounts of money on; Amiga A1000+2mb etc,etc Casio FZ1 sampler & loads of disks of samples (Steinway piano, 808/909 drums, Fairlights, Moogs, etc,etc) Roland D110 synth Korg M1R synth (use those funky presets!) Cheetah MS6 analogue synth (and MkV II keyboard gathering dust) Alesis Quadraverb+ digital effects processor (hours of fun!) Alesis SR16 drum machine Yamaha TX7 synth Desktech 8-Channel mixer (now redundant) Fender Strat (cheapo clone) guitar CryBaby WahWah pedal (so I can sound like all the other crappy Manchester bands!) A couple of el cheapo distortion/compression/grunge pedals Fostex B16 16-track reel-to-reel tape recorder (wooo!) SoundTracks 16:8:16 mixer (double woo!) Alesis 3630 Compresssor/Limiter/Noisegate Yamaha FSK sync converter (crappy - not even SMPTE compatible!) ...and no, you can't come round and burgle me!
Actually, the CDTV has just come out, and does look rather sexy (I saw a preview at the Software Developer's Conf. in Bournemouth a while back, and it was well impressive) - maybe that's next on the 'expensive toys' list..? (2-9-91 I've played with it and No, it isn't really.)
Right, that's that over with!
Now.. the Musicography! Music that contributed to the writing of this game... (I've got pretty varied tastes!)
KLF - The White Room/Chill Out/Space/1987 What The F*** Is Going On Shag Times/Who Killed The Jams (MU MU!) The Smiths - The World Won't Listen/Hatful of Hollow/Strangeways, here we come/Louder Than Bombs (All absolutely fab) Pink Floyd - The Wall/Wish You Were Here/Dark Side of the Moon/Momentary Lapse Of Reason Roger Waters - Radio KAOS/The Pros and Cons of Hitchiking The Cure - Standing on the beach/Head on the Door/Kiss Me,Kiss Me,Kiss Me/Disintegration Pet Shop Boys - Please/Introspective/Disco/Actually/Behaviour (<-*Beautiful* chord progressions on the last two songs) Public Enemy - Yo! Bum Rush the Show!/Fear of a Black Planet Inxs - Kick/Listen Like Thieves Prince - LoveSexy/Grafitti Bridge/Purple Rain/Sign Of The Times/Round The World In A Day Propaganda - A Secret Wish/1 2 3 4 (Yeaaah! Mucho underrated) Thomas Dolby - The Flat Earth/Aliens Ate My Buick (I really really like both albums) The Shamen - EnTact/In Gorbachev We Trust Tracy Chapman - T.C./Crossroads Thompson Twins - Quick Step and Side Kick/Into The Gap Happy Mondays - Pills, Thrills'n'Bellyaches Cameo - Word Up/She's Strange Heaven 17 - How Men Are/The Luxury Gap/Penthouse and Pavement The Beloved - Happiness/Blissed Out Depeche Mode - Violator (I just rediscovered them!) *The The* - Soul Mining/Infected/Mind Bomb (Totally my favourite! Bloody brilliant!!) James Brown - The Great J.B. (Get on up!) Peter Gabriel - So/Shaking the Tree They Might Be Giants - Flood/T.M.B.G. (Prosthetic Foreheads?) Grace Jones - Island Life (Pull up to the bumper? Obscene!) Jean Michel Jarre - Zoolook/Oxygene/Rendezvous Neneh Cherry - Raw Like Sushi Squeeze - The Singles Genesis - Duke/Invisible Touch/Genesis (Invisible Touch is still totally adult MOR stuff) Motorhead - The Ace Of Spades The HouseMartins - London 0 Hull 4/The People Who Grinned Themselves to Death The Beautiful South - The Beautiful South/Choke The Police - The Singles/Regatta De Blanc/Ghosts in the Machine Talking Heads - Fear of Music/Little Creatures/True Stories/More Songs About Buildings & Food Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden/Natural History/The Party's Over (Love that tortured harmonica!) Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark - The Best of OMD/That other compilation with 'White Trash' on Simple Minds - New Gold Dream/Street Fighting Years/Once Upon a Time (Pretentious, but I'm a sucker for Trevor Horn production) Bassomatic - Set the Controls for the Heart of the Bass (You don't want MY brain!) Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome to the Pleasure Dome Erasure - Wonderland/The Circus (Plinketty plonk, Vince) Alison Moyet - Alf Roachford - Roachford The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's (Legendary album) many holes in Blackburn, Lancashire? Bruce Hornsby and the Range - The way it is (Tinkle those ivories!) T'Pau - Bridge of Spies/Rage (the latter is not so good) Betty Boo - Boomania (hmmmmm) ABC - Lexicon of Love/How to be a Zillionaire Father Barabus & The Butcher Monks - Live at the Lightship/F.B.B.M. ('Cos he's Ken, Ken, Ken and he ain't got no mates!) The Orb - The Orb's Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld The Proclaimers - Sunshine on Leith New Order - Substance/Whatever that most recent one's called (Featuring "New Order Standard Guitar Sound(TM)") Electribe 101 - Electribal Memories Bronski Beat - The Age of Consent (Slam your goolies in a drawer and SING!) Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland/Best Of.. Marillion - Clutching at Straws/Misplaced Childhood (Uzis on the street corner? I ASK you!) Mike And The Mechanics - Living Years/M.A.T.M. The Boomtown Rats - Mondo Bongo/The Fine Art Of Surfacing Terence Trent D'Arby - Introducing the hardline.. S'Express - Original Soundtrack Tears For Fears - Songs from the Big Chair/Sowing the Seeds of Love Steve Winwood - Back In The High Life/Arc Of A Diver Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms/Making Movies/Love Over Gold/Alchemy UB40 - The Best Of UB40 (Even if it does all sound the same) B52's - Cosmic Thing/Rock Lobster Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing Massive - Blue Lines (From Bristol - Yeeeeeeah!) Bomb The Bass - Enter The Dragon Seal - Seal (pretty good.. but then I'm a sucker for Trevor Horn's production!) R.E.M. - Out Of Time (still unsure about that) Electronic - Electronic (BLOODY EXCELLENT!) Don Henley - Building the Perfect Beast/The End of The Innocence Soft Cell - Non Stop Exotic Cabaret (Goooooood!) Hothouse Flowers - People E.M.F. - Schubert Dip (Hmmmm.. not bad) Eurythmics - Be Yourself Tonight/Sweet Dreams/We Two Are One/Revenge (Sample the intro off 'There must be an angel' why don't you?) Madonna - The Immaculate Collection (the best bits are the Patrick Leonard produced stuff - really amazing musicican)
....As I said, pretty varied!
And also some tapes supplied by my mate Alex (and ratings).. (There you are Alex! Your official mention!) Tackhead - Strange Things (Funky.. but still.. 6/10) Che - Narcotic (Wooo! Pretty sample-y, but melodic.. 8/10) The Shamen - In Gorbachev We Trust (Hmmm.. A bit tiring.. 5/10) P.I.L. - Second Edition (Never really liked P.I.L... 4/10)
Anyway, a big hello to; Del at Codemasters, Kris at Argonaut, Charlie, Tim C. and Tim M., Paul D. and Paul 'Hadaway!', Steve Hogg, Nick V.,Andy S. and Andy H., Pat, Maria, Mike H., Alan B., The Bitmaps, J.M.P., Bob, Nadeem, Dan Dan The SineScroll Man, Alex, Spex, Noel, Ben & Tanya, Tim Miller, Grahem, Gavin, John Menzies (what a name!) and everyone else in wild'n'wacky Leamington Spa (esp. all the gorgeous women!), Maziar Darvish, Jim, Adrian Stephens, Ricardo Pinto and the rest of the Assembly Line, Joby, James, Cash and Rob, D.M.L., Mike Day, Claus, Hans and Dagmar .. .. .. .....and finally, all the various crowd I know from parties, raves, shows,etc,etc!
(Who's Where update 2/9/91 - Del is still at Codemasters, Charlie is going to join him soon, Kris is still at Argonaut, and Dan is now at Core Design!)
Dubious substances (and late-night parties) supplied by JW Inc!
Ha ha! Neil Tennant's going GREY! I've just seen an interview in NME, and he is looking a tad oldish - never mind, amazing music nonetheless. I'm seeing the PSBs live at the NEC soon, and if this game is still under development then, I'll give you an update.
* (- 11th June - Yep! Saw them last monday in Birmingham! Were they good? - Is the Pope Catholic? The best live show I've ever seen!)
Hey! I've just been mugged! (21st May) Some b**tard came up behind me when I was coming home from a club last night and hit me over the head bloody hard with something - I don't know what, I was do busy being knocked unconcious. I woke up in the gutter some time later, in a pool of blood (mine) with some nice police lady calling me an ambulance (I don't know why, my name is Richard, after all - ho ho ho). After about 6 stiches in my head courtesy of the Bristol Royal Infirmary (and a tetanus jab), all I have to show for my night of fun is a small bald patch with blue stiches in on the back of my head, and the most amazingly coloured bruises you have ever seen. Who says you can't have fun in Bristol any more? Anyway, thanks to the nice police woman and the staff of the B.R.I. in casualty that night, and no bloody thanks at all to whoever hit me!
Oh yeah - Hi to all the plebs who crowd into the Virgin Games Centre in Bristol every Saturday morning and consistently refuse to recognise me or Tim, even when we talk loudly about all the games we have written!!!! - hellos also to the regulars at the White Hart (& Jill the rather nice barmaid) and Sportsman pubs in Bristol!
Ah well, it looks like I'll be doing some Super Famicon, MegaDrive, or Master System work now, if our SNASM system ever turns up!! (2-Sep-91 : It hasn't, and doesn't look like it ever will, so I've just designed and built my own MegaDrive development system (AND it works!) - anyone who wants to buy it.. contact me!)
By the way, hope you like the cheat mode! (very silly)
See you on the next one! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Luv and Irony, Richard Aplin.
P.S. All you young and impressionable people who think programmers make loads of money.. well, most of us don't! (Mind you, the hours are good!)
P.P.S. Good Startup-Sequence eh?
P.P.P.S. Update:My next game is: 'GodFather III' (U.S. Gold) on 68000 & PC although it looks like I may go and do console hard/software development for Codemasters afterwards!
..and now for some music from the Album on my stereo at the moment (Mon Sep 2nd 15:51:06 1991) (please don't sue me Mr. Record Company!!) which is the amazing 'The Flat Earth' by Thomas Dolby.. typed in as it's playing...
(hum the tunes if you know them)
Mulu (T.Dolby)
If I'm not sleeping, It's because I'm frightened of what I might find behind the curtain, there is a signal, there is a warning, I will not heed them, before I hear the morning dew that trickles down the window, Mulu
The people of the rainforest.. Believe in Dreamtime, real time inverted, along the faultline, below the surface, there is a secret, there is a reason, for all these nightmares, for all this mayhem
Mulu the changes came before they knew The keeper of the rainforest
Talk to me Mulu Speak to me Mulu Walk with me Mulu Reach for me Mulu
Mulu.. the changes came before they knew, The seasons changed an hour too soon, The waters came before he knew, The prisoner of the rainforest..
I Scare myself (D.Hicks)
I scare myself just thinking about you, I scare myself when I'm without you, I scare myself the moment that you're gone, I scare myself when I let my thoughts run, And when they're running, I keep thinking of you.. And when they're running, what can I do...
I scare myself and I don't mean lightly, I scare myself it can get frightening, I scare myself to think what i could do, I scare myself it's some kind of voodoo, And with that voodoo, I keep thinking of you And with that voodoo, what can I do...
(play 'air piano' for the solo)
And with that voodoo, I keep thinking of you And with that voodoo, what can I do...
But it's so so very different when we're together.. I'm so so so much calmer I feel better.. because the stars already crossed our paths forever.. and the sooner that we realise it the better and then I'll be with you and I won't scare myself.. and I'll know what to do and I won't scare myself.. and my thoughts will run and I won't scare myself.. and I'll think of you and I won't scare myself..
..and no I'm not going to type out 'Hyperactive'.. I can't type THAT fast!